Welcome beautiful,
I am Charmaine Newmark, The Nourished Naturopath, an Embodied Alchemist, Counsellor, Reiki Master, and a Teacher of Earth, Body and Soul Wisdom.
If you are here, it means you are most likely at the beginning of an incredible healing journey. So congratulations on taking the first step and finding the best practitioner for you!
I am a holistic Naturopath and Counsellor, living out my mermaid era in Bribie Island QLD after shifting up north from Camden in 2025! I am so passionate about working with women and mothers who feel imbalanced within their minds, body and spirit. I call upon the traditional wisdom of our body and planet to ignite our innate and empowered healing pathway.
I birthed this creation in 2013 when I became a mother and began diving into the world of sustainable, low tox and healthy living. As this area evolved, so too, did my passion.
I am not here by chance, not long after the birth of my eldest, Charli, I went through my own journey of post-natal depression, a nervous breakdown resulting in Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Inflammation and a whirlwind of gut discomfort and an autoimmune condition! I called upon my tools of Naturopathy, healing foods, Consciousness and Energetic alchemy to piece myself back together, one step at a time. From this place, my love of my work just grew deeper.
I always knew that there was a greater purpose in the struggles of my recovery. I clung on to hope that I would transcend this space and bring light into it again… and here we are. Doing just that and spreading that hope to the community.
I love nourishing women back to health. I love seeing the look in their eyes when they start to see the possibilities. The hope. I see the shift
I truly, am deeply humbled to support you on this journey. You are your greatest healer, this I know to be true.
Charmaine xxx

With an open heart, a listening ear, a relatable journey, I’ll sit with you until you find your strength again. We will peel back the layers of what may be causing or contributing to your current state of health.
The areas that I love to help treat;
Stress Management
Mood Fluctuations
Gut Health
Postnatal Depression
Adrenal Fatigue
We will also dive into your gut health and how it may be effecting your overall health and visca verca. Covering issues such as;
Candida Overgrowth
Constipation and Diarrhea
Bloating and Cramping
Reflux and Heartburn