Lighten & energise your body with love, acceptance and deep wisdom
“Walk with us, hand in hand, back home to yourSELF. Where life, and your body, gets to breathe back to LIFE. Where you can radically know and trust what she needs. ”
Its time my love, time to return home to your body and honour her for all she has done for you.
I really know the heavy you hold in your body and mind. You carry it around as a backpack, all day long, wishing it away, but trying to stay body positive, but knowing that you aren’t meant to feel like this all. the. time. It’s exhausting. You know that over the years you have let yourself go, or dropped the focus on your wellbeing and now, your body is screaming at you for change.
‘But what is it my body even needs, I’m so fucking confused?’
You jump online looking for answers, talk to your friends, even check in with your GP, and now you are just more confused then EVER. Its so fucking noisy.
Which eating plan do I choose?
Do I join a gym or start walking?
Should I take a magnesium?
And the questions just go on and on and the first step isn’t taken.
And then you come across my work… that I have lived and breathed in multiple versions… and it feels so refreshing, for the first time in a long time, your pathways towards your goals, suddenly feels possible. Achievable even. Exciting!
This space is for you if;
Are ready to rip the bandaid off and dive deep in to your wellbeing journey.
Really want answers specific to you and your body.
Know that change feels really hard, you deeply want it, but almost don’t believe its possible for you to stick too.
You are done with yo-yo bullshit diet culture.
You are done with shaming your body and feeling deprived.
You know you need to move more, but have zero energy or motivation to do it.
Thrive in both a community and with 1:1 support.
When did your magic stop?
When did you stop wearing jewels and honouring your body with love. Wrapping your body in lace.
She is still within you, arms open and ready when you are.
Charmaine xxx
What I will weave in to this space;
A Monthly 1:1 Telehealth Naturopathy appointment for 6 months.
Metabolic genetic testing and report (See breakdown below)
A recipe book, individually made for you and your individual genetics.
A monthly group webinar encompassing change management, relationships with food and our bodies.
24/7 Telegram group support.
All begins the 13th of January!
Something magic happens when women come together. We get to see each others light, and reflect it back within. We get to meet new edges of ourselves and create new realities we never knew existed.
We arn’t supposed to be doing this alone. Lets Elevate together!
What is genetic testing anyways?
Our DNA and our environment, creates our reality. And whilst we don’t choose the DNA we inherit, we can help support our bodies, by understanding our unique selves, and what our bodies need from our environment to thrive. Genetic testing, tests your DNA and can guide key areas that you need to support for all areas of your optimal wellbeing.
The test we will be using, looks at your top genes to guide us in the following information;
Body shape, composition, size and weight.
What your body needs to be at its most optimal weight and shape.
Your eating behaviours, taste preferences and appetite influencers.
How your body needs to move and rest for optimal strength.
Training requirements, injury reduction and skeletal health.
Your genetic ability to release body fat and process and store fats and cholesterols.
Specific needs for minerals and vitamins (Scripts available if needed).
Cardiovascular health and risk factors.
What your body needs for optimal energy and mental health.
A space for women who are seeking more of themselves and to step into the body they desire.
More energy and vitality.
More love and compassion.
More connection to self.
More appreciation, understanding and acceptance for their bodies.
Its ok to want more.
Full Payment $1299
Monthly Payments $222
Weekly Payments $59
Can anyone join? Elevate is a program designed for feminine core beings. Men are more then able to join the program on a 1:1 basis outside of the group.
Do I need any prior training? No you do not need prior training or coaching to join Elevate. You may enjoy listening to some of my podcasts to get an insight into the language I use.
Can I cancel if this program is not for me? You can cancel your spot within 7 days of the start date. The testing deposit will not be refunded if the testing has already been purchased. Any cancellations after commencement, will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Can we work on specific health issues in our 1:1: Yes, we can work on whatever feels alive for you at the moment, with the lense of your genetic test, dietary and lifestyle changes, at the core of our treatment.
Still not sure if Elevate is for you? Book in a Discovery Call for a 10 minute chat and we talk about what will be most helpful. Book here.
How can I access Elevate? All of our conversations will be held via zoom, in the telegram app and our appointments will be via Telehealth.
What People Are Saying
“Thank you again for another amazing session! I am really enjoying learning from you and am excited for the future.
Also I’ve had a really great few days digestion wise so wohoo!!! I feel more in control of everything! Thank you, thank you, thank you for teaching me lots and getting me motivated”
— Tamara
“Charmaine is one of THE most genuine souls I’ve ever come across. Her passion for her practice is obvious in the way she nurtures her clients.
Thank you Charmaine for not only helping me to feel better but for ensuring that I have the knowledge to continue to make healthy, sustainable choices for me and my family.”
— Kelly
“Charmaine, she gets me. There is something so refreshing about having someone look at you as a whole. Sifting through the symptoms to get to the root cause of the problem and all those seemingly non-related symptoms where she can connect the dots and make perfect sense of it all. She is a beautiful energy that feeds my soul with her oozing zen
— Tiffany
“I will see the things you can’t yet. Hear the words you haven't. I will hold your hand through the dark storms. I will believe in you, when you don’t”
— Charmaine Newmark