Gut Reset Program
For those who feel like they have tried everything and are ready to clean out all the nooks and crannies and overhaul your health.
This program will benefit your overall health but in particular helpful for improving and addressing the causes of;
- Digestive Issues; IBS, infections, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, bloating, discomfort, food intolerances, chrons disease, stomach ulcers, reflux, indigestion.
- Energy; Poor energy, stamina, exercise tolerence and recovery, sleep quality, tired but wired.
- Mental Health; Mood swings, depression, anxiety, OCD, insomnia, irritation.
- Preconception; Recommended to begin 3 months prior to begining conception to improve overall vitality and health of Mumma and baby.
What’s Included
Stool Testing - A comprehensive insight into your gut health, metabolism, microbiome, infections and risk factors.
Food Intolerence Testing - Test against 600 food and household items you could be intolerent to.
24/7 Messenger support - Have me in your back pocket to help you navigate the changes you need.
Initial Consultation and Follow Up - Together we will workout a treatment plan based on detailed and lifelong health history.
Individual Treatment Plan - Includes diet and lifestyle suggestions just for you based on your health history and test results.
Herbs and supplements at additional costs if needed.
Valued at $1411
I’m so in FULL PAYMENT $1111
PAYMENT PLAN PLEASE $140/wk for 8 weeks.
Food Incompatibility Test
A quick and non-invasive way of testing what foods your body is incompatible with. Test for 600 food and environmental triggers that you may be reacting with and finally stop the guessing game of pinpointing trigger foods!
You will send me your sample, I will send you the lab results (Usually 2 weeks) and we will have a 15 minute phone consultation to walk you through the process of eliminating your triggers for 6 weeks.
$349 including test and 2 x 15 minute phone consultation. You will be contacted directly via email after purchase to arrange the sample.