The Chill Club
The Chill Club 2024
We desire a purposeful and peaceful life. One that we will look back upon and be greatful for, proud of. But as modern women, it often feels like we are stuck on a hamster wheel, hoping if we run faster, we may hamster wheel ourselves, off the hamster wheel! But as we know and experience, time and time again, it isnt the solution. The days roll in to weeks, the weeks in to months, and before you know it, years have flown by whilst you ran the wheel. Each day, creating your life.
If we desire our life to be different, we must approach our days differently. We must meet the inner parts of us that are innately still and calm, already. The solution to a more chilled life, is always in doing less, not more. And lady, let me tell you, there is a way to meet yourself in the inbetween, where the to-do list gets done, and the purpose and peace blossom. Let me show you the way.
Who is this for;
For the woman who knows life isnt supposed to be like this, full of busy to-do lists and no time for joy.
For the woman who is ready to be more chilled, more aligned, more on path.
For the woman who knows this is a mind, body and soul approach. A whole woman approach.
For the woman who is so tired and wired, and deeply craves rest and peace, but cant.
For the woman who wishes to learn to quieten her mind and relax her body.
For the woman who is done with feeling angry, resentful, exhausted and flat all the time.
What it will look like;
Monthly group sessions learning and developing our innate sense of calm. Located in Gregory Hills with 10 like minded women.
Wholesome, nourishing mood foods at each session.
Monthly focus, journal points and meditations.
Weekly intentions, tips and inspiration via our own private telegram group.
Guided meditations, mindfullness practises and womens circle facilitation.
A private group online space in Telegram for 24/7 support.
Club Dates at Intouch Health co in Gregory Hills:
Saturday 12th of October 6pm
Sunday 3rd of November 6pm
Sunday 1st December 6pm
Your INVESTMENT - $99/Month for 3 months
Club FAQs
Q: Where are the sessions held? A: They are held at Intouch Health Co, 31C, 1004 Lasso Rd, Gregory Hills NSW.
Q: What if I cant make the actual session? A: A zoom recording will be provided.
Q: Do I need to attend the whole program or can I chose when I come? A: The program has been designed to walk you through a process so to get the most out of it, you will need to attend each workshop.
Q: What if I join but something comes up and I can’t start the program? A: Refunds will be issued if a cancellation is completed 7 days prior to start date to give me time to invite another woman to take the space. Anything cancelled after this time, will incur a 50% cancellation fee of the complete program.
Q: Do I need to use paypal? A: Please email me if you would prefer a different option but I feel paypal is the safest consumer purchase option currently and this is why I choose it.
Q: Do you cater to allergies/intolerances/food preferences? A: YES! Our menus are mostly gluten and dairy free and we can offer vegetarian foods upon request.
Q: Where will we be keeping in touch? A: You will receive a telegram code. Please download the app and make a profile in preperation for the code you get when you sign up. I will share weekly inspo and you can ask any questions and share any of your learnings.
Q: Do you offer alternative payment options? A: I want you there if you want to be there. And I get it, modern living is pricey! We can figure out a way to make this work for you. Just shoot me an email, we will work out a deposit and the rest we can flex from there.