The Gut Club is a 3 month program on all things great gut health. Its a space for those wanting to know more about general gut health and to improve their whole health by improving their digestive system. This support group is for you if you know theres something not quite right, wanting to feel healthier, or you are supporting people in your home with gut issues. This is real life gut health, not expensive probiotics, weird tasting drinks, and hard diets. There is so much more to it and I want to simplify all of it!
Things that may be influenced by poor gut health;
Mental health, energy levels, stress tolerance and sleep quality
Digestive comfort, excess wind, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, bloating, reflux, indigestion
Food intolerances and allergies
Maternal health and thriving during pregnancy and beyond
What we will cover?
The Gut Club aims to teach the core, foundations of great gut health.
Eating hygiene and getting the most out of our digestive system.
Things that may impact great gut health; stress, pollutants, additives, inflammation ect.
Foods to enjoy more of and those to reduce a little.
What’s Included?
A Monthly Group Workshop at Intouch Health Co in Gregory Hills on a cruisy Sunday afternoon. Think gut loving nibblies, tea, great company and inspiring information. Approx 2hrs for 3 months. Time at the end for sharing and asking about your own unique needs.
24/7 Group Whatsapp support - Have me in your back pocket and the group, to help you navigate the changes you need in your home.
Services, Herbs and Teas at 10% off.
Weekly prompts to inspire your life.
A workbook to consolidate all of it.
Workshop are Sunday’s at 6pm
Sunday February 11th
Sunday March 3rd
Sunday April 7th
Your INVESTMENT - $89/Month for 3 months. Sold Out, contact me to get on the waitlist here.