Busting Stress by Balancing Blood Sugars

It’s a no brainer that the food we eat, can make us feel a certain way. Just imagine how you feel after a greasy burger (in a satisfied food coma) or a vibrant salad (energised and content).

It’s also common sense these days that we are, quiet literally what we eat! The food we eat, creates the proteins and building blocks that create our cells. These cells, create our body. The cool thing here is that you get to choose, would you like to build the harbour bridge… OR the leaning tower of pizza?  

It’s not just what you choose to put on your plate. Its where the food has come from, whats sprayed on it, how often your eating it, why you are eating it and how it makes YOU feel, just you, irrespective of wether Mr Smith next door is sensitive to dairy.  

When it comes to eating for our mood, we can either eat to feel good and support neurotransmitter production and feelings of calm OR, the opposite. In this blog, im going to share wisdom to support feelings of calm because I am sure we could all calm our farm a little more.  

Blood Sugar Balancing 

Sugar in your blood gives energy to your cells. Too much sugar, too much energy, too little sugar, too little energy! Unfortunately, our current diet is laced with it! Its not the obvious sugars you have to worry about! Its the sugars in everything else you dont see. Its also the fact that carbohydrates are clusters of sugars… so were pretty much drowning in it all. day. long. Studies suggest 1 in 3 people have blood sugar issues, 1 in 4 are pre diabetic and 10% of the population have diabetes!  

Cortisol (your stress hormone that helps you fight the lion), follows blood sugars so it goes on a little rollercoaster all day with your diet. No wonder we dont know if we are coming or going half the time!  

Symptoms of your blood sugars being out of whack can be; 

  • Dizziness when hungry 

  • HANGRY (hungry/angry) 

  • Irregular periods 

  • Fatigue improved by eating 

  • Headaches 

  • Excess stomach fat 

  • Excessive thirst 

  • High blood pressure 

  • Regular sugar cravings. 

If this is you, you may want to head to your doctor and check your glucose and your insulin AND keep reading… 

Tips to balance your blood sugars 

~ Eat smaller meals, more frequently. Every 2-3 hours.  

~ Reduce refined sugars, natural sugars and carbohydrates.  

~ Eat within 30 minutes of waking, a meal high in good quality fat and protein. e.g. eggs with veggies. 

~ If you are eating sugars, have fats and proteins with it to buffer your blood sugars e.g. grapes and brazil nuts.  

~ Stress less… Easy huh! But seriously, stress and blood sugars are buddies, if your running around like a crazy person all day, your blood sugars will be out of whack, I promise you! 

I hope this simple example of blood sugar rollercoaster has opened your eyes to the importance of food on your mood. If you are ready to dive deeper in to ways to support your mood, check out my booking options here for more ways to support your mental health with your diet and tune in to my seminar at the Camden Wellness Expo! 

Be well, Charmaine x 


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