What is my relationship with FOOD?

The relationship we have with food, often resembles the relationship we have with our soul. Are we nourishing her? Or sabotaging her? 

It makes sense that the very thing that keeps us alive has a huge impact on the aliveness we have in our bodies. Its a vastly misunderstood paradigm and one I personally unwrap ALOT for myself and my clients. 

Today, I want you to pause for 5 seconds before eating each meal and ask yourself 'What am I really needing' and see what comes up. 

Before you eat that chocolate, is your soul wanting something sweet? Is your soul, wanting a pat acute little kitten. Is your soul, wanting to hear the words 'you are beautiful'. 

Pause and ask yourself. You may be surprised what comes up! 


Busting Stress by Balancing Blood Sugars